
Realizing The Infinite
The Art of Being Itself


A foundation

1 Upon rare and often unrecognized flashes of pure awareness, you awaken to your Self. And consciously or not, you long to crystallize what you have found. However, you may lack a foundation from which to proceed. Thus, the art of Being Itself.

That's all it takes...

2 That's all it takes is just one brief moment of Self discovery to finally realize what it's like to be truly free, even the joy that is to be found but through a still and centered mind. Then it is simply a matter of expanding that tiny glimpse into timeless awareness, of building upon that most elusive of all experiences, of reversing all you thought was true, until You Are All That Is.

Peace is yours

3 Perhaps you are still conflicted as to what might become of you given so few alluring options. Yet you have only to cease identifying so much with that which you have come to believe is ‘myself’ and peace will assuredly be yours.

Being Itself?

Being Itself

4 Being Itself could be defined as any extent to which you functionally withdraw from the world of the urgent and mundane. In addition to its formal practice, it can be relatively spontaneous rather than confined to any certain place or time. It can be a way of deliberately and abruptly awakening from 'the dream', as it were, refusing to continue to be swept along by the relentless current of thought and activity. It can also become second nature.

What you really want

5 There seems to be no end to what your mind will chase after. But where does it lead you? Surely not toward inner peace. And isn't that what you really want? Thus, the value of a still mind, if only for a few brief healing moments at a time.

Get in touch

Get in touch with the arising of thought. This is called living at a higher level of awareness—whether in a quiet corner or in the heat of the day.

Choose mental stillness

7 In your quiet time: to be conscious, to choose mental stillness,to leave internally arising preoccupations just as you found them leads to an increasingly still and centered mind. Inevitably, passing thoughts seduce you into resuming your obsession over what you consider to be the most urgent, worrisome, or pleasurable in your experience. Their call is mesmerizing, even hypnotic - for you forget all about your initial intention to abide simply in the present. Thus, the value of daily practice.


Listen, hear, and begin again

8 This practice of listening, hearing and beginning again - of listening for your self beginning to think, then promptly returning to a thought free state of listening and repeating as often as thinking begins (most likely every few seconds) - enables you to transcend the dream if only for seconds at a time—even your core belief in separateness—and, as a result, to both remember and reconnect with 'your' one, undifferentiated Self.


9 Historically, 'meditation', another name for listening - is the practice of conscious mental stillness normally facilitated for a time by some technique, if only the pure awareness of awareness itself. It is, in part, the discipline of making the distinction between unconscious and conscious thought, and upon that foundation, of entering the realm of conscious non-labeling, even that of Being Itself. It is the process by which you cultivate higher awareness of not just yourself and the world around, but of your very 'Self'.

Return to the present

10 You possess your very own 'innernet', as it were, containing countless mind pages. Become aware of and gently close each window of thought as it appears on the screen of your consciousness, dissipating, as well, the urge to open any number of associated links simply by returning to the present.

Try this

11 Engage in pronounced, conscious breathing. Then, as moved, gradually expand your awareness to encompass everything, yet nothing in particular, whether within or without. When, upon realizing that you are distracted from your intention to simply 'Be' a still witness of your environment, whether mental or physical, refocus and continue as before. Eventually the intention itself, though fleetingly,dissolves altogether as the mind becomes increasingly accustomed to a realization of inner stillness so that at least for brief moments of time all that’s left is the joy of pure consciousness.


12 Recognizing how the automatic associative process of the mind dominates us, becoming aware of how it begins, how its inception escapes our notice, and how to ultimately bring it under control is, among other things, the natural result of any kind of Self awareness expanding discipline: call it listening, Zen Buddhism, mindfulness, or what have you.


13 Begin your practice during your most peaceful moments, expanding to the most trying.

Strengthen your intention

14 There are two forms of environment, whether inner or external, which may enter your awareness: those that disturb the peace (unpleasant thoughts, upsetting news, 'difficult people' and so on), and those that evoke it (such as the stillness of a snowy forest or the majesty of a thundering waterfall). Yet, paradoxically, those things which tend to disrupt peace also possess the ability as well, if you are open to the possibility, to increase inner stability. If allowed, potential distractions may merge with and deepen the inner stillness rather than disturb it, may further calm the mind rather than agitate it, may ultimately strengthen your intention for peace rather than diminish your resolve.

Learn to listen

15 Learn to listen for and recognize mental noise, (the sound aimless thinking makes), and to turn it off.

More on the associative process

16 Of course, when you write a paper, a poem or create any other work of art, you are the conscious initiator of the minds associative process. It is only when it runs out of control, when you are unaware of its comings and goings, only when you are unable to locate its off, on, or pause button that it becomes detrimental to your well being.

Are you aware?

17 Are you aware of the ebb and flow of your thoughts? In the absence of your conscious participation your mind directs itself. Or rather, it follows the ruts of your unconscious thought patterns which may reflect a negative past as well as an intrepidation over the future. Ultimately, your accustomed interpretation of the world around you may tend to generate a perpetual lack of peace and well being. And is that what you really want? And so, the value of daily practice.

More on pure awareness

Pure awareness

18 Gently dismiss all temptations to label "what is". The result: pure awareness.

Ideally it is best

19 Even though with pure awareness comes the unconditional acceptance of all that confronts your senses, ideally it is best, if only during formal practice, to retreat to less obtrusive environments such as some quiet corner or peaceful park bench.


20 Rest from all thoughts of heaven and earth, all sense of time and place, and slip gently into the peace that is this one eternally present moment.

To the extent...

21 To the extent that you are present may you choose what is most conducive
to your joy.

A brief word on the ego

The solution

22 The ego is the one that is always planning your next move. This makes it very difficult to ever find inner peace. The solution - less ego.

The next move

23 In the face of opposition, let ‘your’ Self make the next move.

True freedom and salvation

24 It is only by passing through the portal of pure consciousness that you even begin to realize that which is true freedom and salvation. Here, the undeniable truth shines forth without reservation in the absence of the false and imposed. Only here is it directly expressed and experienced undiluted by the fleeting, the counterfeit, and the known. For these are where the ego vainly struggles to find ultimate transcendence, or to recapture, perhaps, the glorious feeling which accompanied some long forgotten magical childhood moment stumbled upon, however briefly, in adolescence. And driving and despite all its striving and deceit, it is this which the ego truly desires. Yet it is this alone that is truly ever present, you have only to awaken.

Why bother?

Certain bliss

25 Your mind is the greatest obstacle lying between you and certain bliss.

Peaceful outcomes

26 As you practice, you unwittingly strengthen your capacity to spontaneously suspend your habitual reaction to upsetting events and to choose responses more conducive to peaceful outcomes.

The value of Being Itself

27 There seems to be a point at which talking about, analyzing, and discussing problems becomes counterproductive. And so, the value of now and again stilling the mind.

It is healing

28 It is healing to realize how it truly feels to be upset, depressed, anxious or bored, to experience the emotion fully without burying it under obsessive thought and activity, to become the detached observer of your own present state of mind, a silent witness to your own pain, as it were, secretly eves-dropping on the drama that is yourself.

Peace as valid

29 Daily practice empowers you to let go of stressful thoughts, stressful life situations, a stressful life - to accept peace as valid, even preferable to business as usual.

Already present

30 If you are already present when unpleasantness arises, it merely enters the silence where reason, imagination and creativity reside. Only here may new and insightful ways of responding best be put into action.

Creative Energy

31 With Being Itself comes the release of all superfluous thought, freeing up great wells of creative energy.

The flow of life

32 The process of listening is a conscious letting go, a releasing of the grip of your daily tensions which build up, so a residual does not carry over to the 'next day and month', building up 'over time' a plaque of stress, clogging the flow of life.

‘My Life’

33 Your past story determines your present script and future role in the continuing saga of 'your' life. But this is true only at the level of the dream, from which you may awaken at any moment.

Newfound freedom

34 Normally our train of thought glides on the rails of the familiar, off to the future on the tracks of the past, However, at times, we can be thrown off track by the winds of change and the tumults of life. At this point, we must find the way on our own, with nothing more than the uncertainty of our new found freedom to guide us. And so, again, the value of Being itself.

The One

35 To the extent that you realize your very Being Itself, your sense of self is less dependent on what others can do to or for you. You no longer grasp at the many forms ‘out there’ in an effort to become whole. For you realize that you already are, The One.